Ohhhh Santa Baby!
Santa Baby,
This year, I’ve been just “alright.” I don’t have to tell you that this year has been a challenging year, YOU know this, right? Santa you know when I’m sleeping, and know when I’m awake, correct? Luckily, despite an eventful year, I AM sleeping! Maybe that’s been the biggest gift of all! Santa, did you give me the gift of sleep? I’m grateful because you should know the long list of “stuff” that happened to me and to the WORLD. I do live on this planet afterall, so everything affects me (us) directly and indirectly: pandemics, politics, weather disasters, ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, ex-shoe companies, you get the idea Santa.
But, Santa, you want to know what affects me very directly, and not just me, but also my family, my employees, and other businesses: online shopping has become a MONSTER. I am not free of guilt, I confess that I also shop online. Obviously I don’t shop for shoes or clothing, but if I need something that I can’t find in person in Santa Fe, I also shop online. Though, I try online shopping to be my last resort.
I’ve been hearing so much about the AI technology. So much may be replaced by AI. It sounds so unappealing, AI therapists, AI friendships, AI retail, AI designers. It feels like so much. How can I try to combat the web and the algorithm targeting, meeting everyone’s needs before they even know they need it? What’s going to happen to organic engagements with one another, perusing your town seeing what people have curated in their boutique that might suddenly be of curiosity, it feels like getting massaged by a robot, albeit with warm robotic hands. This is not appealing to me. I try to imagine the future for my grandkids and their kids. Will Goler still be here?? Will there be any shops and businesses that make up our town? What will there be?
Really, Santa Baby, give me a break. If you want me to be all sugary sweet and nice and with an angel glow over the top of my head, please don’t make this so hard on me. Will you come through the chimney and bring me love, money, health, and a trip to Japan? If it is not much to ask, can I borrow some of your reindeer to work at the store for the holidays, maybe you could lend me Rudolph?
If you DO decide to surprise me and grant me with all my wishes please send me a sign saying you are coming down my chimney, otherwise you are going to scare the hell outta me.
Santa Baby, are you or are you not single? I know there’s a Mrs.Claus, but you seem to get out quite a bit. I’m sure you’ve seen all the amazing women in Santa Fe?! There are so many interesting, dynamic, self-sufficient and lovely women here! I’m so lucky I have many as my best friends and also so many as clients! If you are a single guy, there are PLENTY of single women in this town, real ones, not AI, you might want to make sure you take a spin here- and please, buy your boots with us Santa Baby!