Falling On My Face
Lately Connecticut has become a regular place to visit for me. How unusual! Right? What is this cosmopolitan Mexican woman doing in the rural towns of Connecticut?! Well, my partner is from there and he has had to spend lots of time there so I have been visiting him. I am enjoying getting to know this other part of the States that I was not familiar with!
Every time I go to Connecticut I am mesmerized by the height of the trees, the thickness of the forest, and I am reminded of how little time I spend outdoors when I am home. I use this time to promise myself that I will spend more time in nature. So easy to forget as soon as I get home and go right back to work!
Fall has to be one of the most beautiful seasons in Connecticut. The leaves change dramatically from green, light green, gold, orange, red and then finally brown. The contrast of these colors against the blue sky is breathtaking. The smell of the humid leaves is stronger than the smell of my coffee! It is so dry in New Mexico. I am unfamiliar to this smell of organic material turning back to the earth. As I sip my coffee, I can literally count the leaves falling down . . . One, fourteen, thirty. It is both hypnotizing and relaxing. In my imagination I play with the leaves. We mingle and dance. The sound of the quiet nature fills my soul. I am not used to this!
There is, however, one little thing that disturbs my peace. BEARS! The state protects the wildlife and bears cannot be hunted during hunting season. So, now you see them all the time on the outskirts of town. Needless to say, this makes me nervous. The last thing I want is an encounter with one of these beautiful creatures. They tell me they show up all the time so I feel uneasy when I step out into the quiet and beautiful outdoors. When we take long walks, I am always looking behind my shoulder. I can just see the headlines in the newspaper, “Woman from Santa Fe, New Mexico, attacked by bear leaving only shoes”! Still, I stop and take in the outdoors. I let the leaves gently fall on my face. I breath in raw nature. I risk the bear attack.
I live in this constant rush: work, work, work! Don’t get me wrong! I love my work! Nevertheless, I should take more time to relax and enjoy the beauty of the wilderness. The everyday news that comes out is discouraging. It is all about blaming each other for everything that goes wrong in the country. It is so boring and pathetic – promises, promises, and constant accusations. I can fool myself if I make myself believe that it is not my problem. That it is far away. But I know physically it is but emotionally it is right here in my mind. Thinking about all this chaos makes me sad and anxious. I would rather go outside, face up looking to the sky and letting the leaves fall on my face. Bears or no bears.