In my own little world, I have run for and won the presidency of the United States. Here is a list of the changes I’m implementing (in my own little world):
- Mandatory yoga/meditation in all elementary schools starting in kindergarten.
- Cooking classes in elementary schools.
- A special voting process for children to have a voice in important matters in the country.
- Men will have to wear high heels for at least one day a month.
- When women have PMS, they can use paid-time off from work.
- Women’s hot flashes will be tax deductible.
- There will be seminars available for men to improve their chivalrous skills.
- And seminars available for women on independence and enhancing feminine side.
- Divorces will be short and sweet, or otherwise have jail time.
- Maternity and paternity leave will 6 months of paid leave.
- There will be no more walls at our borders. They will be replaced with groups of singers such as Peter, Paul & Mary and Joan Baez.
- Big corporations will sponsor the big dreams of our students.
- Fast food restaurants will be turned into either organic, vegan, or gluten-free restaurants.
- No more paper napkins in restaurants (everyone can bring their own cloth napkin).
- There will be free dating sites (with exceptional candidates!)
- French kissing will be mandatory for all married couples.
- Education on all levels (college, community college, seminars, classes, etc) will be free!
- Women with car mechanic experience will gain bonus money for gasoline.
- Difficult teenagers will be sent to the land of grandmothers, where they will learn to knit, embroider, cook, and bake.
- As the president, I will volunteer in community service one day a month.
- As the president, I will be allowed to have slumber parties for my friends at the white house.
- For the future Presidential Candidates, any badmouthing or name-calling during a debate will result in a mandatory pause while the offender gets their mouth washed-out with soap.
- And the candidate with the best proposals will be rewarded extra in the form of time to express those good ideas.
My list could go on and on, but I would like for you to help me have a good term as president (in my own little world) with your suggestions!
Please write me at my personal email: