Dear Friends:
In my native Mexico, the Virgin of Guadalupe is a very important and much-loved figure.
My mother and father were faithful followers of “La Virgen”. Years ago when they were a young couple with two children, a tragedy struck-the miscarriage of their third child. There was much sadness in our home because my mother was told she couldn’t bare anymore children. But my parents prayed to the Virgin that she would send them another healthy child-and they promised that if this child was a girl they would name her “Guadalupe.” Well a miracle did happen– because months later I was born. And after me came four more healthy children. Later in life my mother would joke that the Virgin had misunderstood her prayers-she had only asked for one miracle!
In Mexico, December 12th is the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe or Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe. On this day anyone who is named “Guadalupe” is celebrated as well-it’s almost more important than our birthdays. As a young woman my husband and I were constantly on-the-move, but my dear father would always track me down with a phone call on December 12th, and remind me of the miracle of my birth.
This year I will miss my late father’s call, but I will celebrate his memory.
I hope you will join us for this special and blessed event.
Mucho, mucho LOVE Guadalupe