I have spent the entire week glued to the TV watching the World Cup that took place this year in Qatar – me and over a billion others around the world! It was one of the most nail-biting Cups that I have ever witnessed! I now understand how some people have a heart attack just by watching! I swear I almost had one during the final game! Every time that Argentina scored a goal, my heartrate would spike and every time that France scored a goal, my heart would stop!
Over 2.4 million people attended the World Cup in Qatar this year. Some people even went into deep debt just to attend this event but those of us who are fans know it is SO worth it!
During the final, there were 88,966 fans packed in the stadium! Can you imagine? 88,966 people about to have a heart attack!?! The final game between Argentina and France was just fantastic! I felt like I was holding my breath the entire time! In the end, Argentina defeated France!
Argentina was desperate for the win. The country has been needing an injection of self-esteem and the World Cup actually provided it for them. It was like a miracle for them. Watching the Argentinians celebrate this victory was truly historical! I was so AMAZED at seeing so many MEN crying real tears of joy (including my very Argentine son)! On the other hand, the French were crying true tears of sadness. You could see women and children crying as well but that did not surprise me! You know we are way more in touch with our feelings or less hesitant to show our emotions!
I have been fascinated by the players and all the preparation they go through to finally arrive on the World Cup playing field. They go through intense physical and emotional training. When they get to the actual event, they have done all the physical and technical preparation and the only thing left for them is….TO PRAY! You could see all the different cultures on a team, each praying in their own way with the most common visual part being the team players raising their eyes and arms up to the heavens, pleading to their God to help them win! With all of these simultaneous prayers happening, I think there must have been some overall worldly healing that happened during those 28 days!
In my opinion, the team that really struck a chord in my heart and in the hearts of those around the world was the Moroccan team. They did an excellent job! Of the thirty-two teams competing, Morocco made it to the semi-finals. At one point, the governors in Morocco wanted to help the team so they decided to FLY THEIR MOTHERS out to Qatar! That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! They wanted their moms to give the team members all the emotional support and cook them delicious tagines, so the players were in the best state of mind to play!
All this confirmed one thing to me. After all the technology and after all the physical intense preparation, we still have a God to pray to and a mom to comfort us!